A bell for peace and friendship

Some information about the project:

The idea came up at the traditional meeting at the Cossack Cemetry in Lienz 2005, when cossacks from all over the world remember the tragedy from 1945. 25.000 man, women and children came as refugees with horses and wagons to Lienz and were send back to Sibiria by the British army in June 1945. Most of them died there and this sad history should be an impuls for a much better future for the planet.

So a group of people worked together to plan and finance a place to pray, meet and talk about peace and friendship on top of a mountain near Lienz / Tyrol. It took 11 years to realize the plan, but now we are very happy to invite all of you to the
„Bell for peace and friendship“  on the Hochstein near Lienz in Tyrol / Austria

The team who runs the project is a regional Cooperation Circle of the worldwide
United Religions Initiative URI

Video  with subtitles in English, how the tower was build. The bell was made in Innsbruck by GRASSMAYR  while people from different religions prayed for it. It shows the symbols of 12 religions and the words „I ring for peace and friendship“. 
Since 2023 also the words „May there be Heaven on Earth everywhere“

The tower is made with stones from more than 100 countries of the world and from holy places like Mekka, Haiffa, Assisi, Stonehenge, Ganges, Lhasa and more.  But we are still looking for stones from this countries. If you could help us, please get in contact how it would be possible.


Andorra, Angola, Antigua und Barbuda, Äquaturial Guinea, Armenien, Bahamas, Bahrein, Bangladesch, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Botsuana, Brunei, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Curacao, Dem. Rep. Kongo, Dominica, Dschibuti, Elfenbeinküste, El Salvador, Eritrea, Eswatini, Gabun, Gambia, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea – Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Irak, Jamaika, Jemen, Kaiman Inseln, Kamerun, Kirgistan, Kiribati, Kolumbien, Komoren, Kongo, Kuwait, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyen, Litauen, Luxenburg, Malediven, Malta, Marshallinseln, Mauretanien, Micronesien, Moldawien, Moldau, Monaco, Mosambik, Myanmar, Nauru, Niger, Nigeria, Nord Korea, Palau, Palästina, Papua – Neuguinea, Paraguay, Salomonen, San Marino, Sao Tome und Principe, Seychellen, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, St.Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St.Vincent und die Grenadinen, Südafrika, Sudan, Suriname, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tschad, Tschechien, Tunesien, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Urugay,  Vanuatu, Venezuela, Zentralafrikanische Rep., Zypern

For more information please contact us: info@bildung-frieden.net

Find us on Google Earth: Austria 9900 Hochsteinhütte